Session 1: Embedded Systems & IoT
Since the use of embedded systems is becoming more
and more widespread (IoT, Smart cities, Transport,
Smart Manufacturing Systems, etc.), the design and
verification of these software dominated systems
become a complex task. To tackle this complexity,
there is an urgent need to review co-design flow and
related performance evaluation and optimisation
On the other hand, due to the heterogeneity of their
components and their interdependencies, it is quasi
impossible to guarantee they are failure-free
permanently. Hence, developing advanced monitoring
facilities and alternative solutions becomes
The aim of this session is to expose recent works on
issues related to design, monitoring and
verification of embedded systems used in IoT and
smart cities, developing and using models for
performance, security and safety purposes.
Track Topics:
Qualifications of the
Pr Abderrazak JEMAI
received an Engineer degree from the University of
Tunis (ENSI), Tunisia in 1988 and the DEA and
“Doctor” degrees from the University of Grenoble (ENSIMAG-INPG),
France, in 1989 and 1992, respectively, and he
received his Habilitation Degree in 2012, all in
computer science. Since 1993, his interests are
focused on high level synthesis and simulation at
behavioral and system levels within AMICAL and
COSMOS at TIMA Laboratory in Grenoble.
He is also the principal investigator for the
“Performance evaluation of MPSoC: Time & Energy
consumption” project in LIP2/FST Laboratory in
Tunis. Since 2013, he became an associate professor
in ICT at INSAT University. From 2014 to August
2015, Abderrazak JEMAI became the General Director
of the National Center of Informatics in Tunisia (CNI).
Abderrazak JEMAI
INSAT, University of Carthage, Tunisia.
INSAT, B.P. 676, 1080 Tunis Cedex
Pr Mohamed GHAZEL
is a senior researcher with COSYS/ESTAS research
team (Evaluation and Safety of Automated Transport
Systems) at the IFSTTAR institute (The French
Institute of Science and Technology for Transport,
Development and Networks). He is member of the IFAC
technical committee TC 7.4 on Transportation
systems. He obtained in 2001 the engineering diploma
in Productics from the ENSAIT de Roubaix (France),
the Masters degree in automatic control and
industrial computer sciences from Ecole Centrale de
Lille/University of Lille (France) in 2002, and the
the Ph.D in automatic control and industrial
computer sciences from the same university in 2002.
In 2014, he received the Habilitation à Diriger des
Recherches (HDR) from the University of Lille.
Dr. Ghazel specializes in safety
and security of transportation systems and develops
methods of behavioral modeling, state estimation,
verification & validation, fault detection and
diagnosis, while using formal discrete event
notations (Petri Nets, State Finite Automata,
Temporal Logic, etc.) and semi-formal (UML, etc.)
models. The main applications of his research are in
transportation and critical systems, with a special
interest in guided transportation systems
(improvement of safety and interoperability in
railways, ERTMS, etc.). He has been involved in
several national and European research projects
dealing with safety and security of guided
transportation systems and critical infrastructures.
Dr. Ghazel teaches software
engineering with various applications to critical
systems to engineering and Master’s students. He has
supervised several PhD and Master’s theses and is a
reviewer for international journals and conferences.
Mohamed GHAZEL
20 rue Elisée Reclus
59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Paper Submission
Papers submitted to this special session should be done
through the
IDT 2016 EasyChair submission system. The
paper types are identical to those of regular
Session 2: Reconfigurable Logic Design and
Prof. Ashraf Salem
The session will cover the new trends in
Reconfigurable Logic Design and Verification,
including the new techniques of partitioning big
deigns on single or multiple FPGAs, the use of the
reconfigurable logic to implement complex designs,
the use of FPGAs as accelerators, NoC and
Security-aware design implementation on FPGA and
secure Furthermore, the session will cover design
verification using Emulators and FPGA-based
prototyping. Finally, it will address the use of the
virtual prototyping approach combined with emulation
and FPGA verification methodologies
Qualifications of the
Ashraf Salem
Engineering Director in Mentor Graphics Egypt. He
manages a group of 170 engineers working in the
development of Emulation, Simulation and Embedded
Systems products. Dr. Salem obtained his Ph.D. from
Grenoble University, France in 1992. He got his
B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Ain
Shams University in 1983, 1987 respectively. He was
the CEO of the Technology Innovation and
Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC) and professor of
Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ain
Shams University.
Dr. Salem participated in the establishment of
ANACAD branch in Egypt in 1995 that then has been
acquired by Mentor Graphics and became one of the
largest multinational development centers.
Dr. Salem is Member of the board of Nile
Pharmaceuticals Company and he is on the Board of
the trustees of Information Technology Institute and
he participated in the establishment of Software
Engineering Competence Center in Egypt
He published more than 100 scientific articles in
the fields of Computer Aided design of Digital
circuits. He chaired the technical committees in a
number of international conferences, and he
supervised more than 30 PhD and M. Sc. thesis in
digital design and Embedded systems. Also, he
participated in a number of international research
projects and developed one of the pioneer research
products for circuit verification in the eighties.
Paper Submission
paper types are identical to those of regular
submissions. Please submit your proposal to this
special session by email to the organizer at: