IDT 2016 Plenary and keynote speakers include:
Prof Ozcan Ozturk
Analysis of Design Parameters in Safety-Critical
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Recently, Safety-critical computers are extensively
used in many civil domains like transportation
including railways, avionics and automotive. We
noticed that in design of some previous works, some
critical safety design parameters like failure
diagnostic coverage (DC) or common cause failure (CCF)
ratio have not been seriously taken into account.
Moreover, in some cases safety has not been compared
with standard safety levels (IEC-61508: SIL1-SIL4)
or even have not met them. Most often, it is not
very clear that which part of the system is the
Achilles' heel and how design can be improved to
reach standard safety levels. Motivated by such
design ambiguities, we aim to study the effect of
various design parameters on safety in some
prevalent safety configurations: 1oo2 and 2oo3. 1oo1
is also used as a reference. By employing Markov
modeling, sensitivity of safety to each of the
following critical design parameters is analyzed:
failure rate of processing element, failure
diagnostic coverage, common cause failures and
repair rates. This study gives a deeper sense
regarding the influence of variation in design
parameters over safety. Consequently, to meet
appropriate safety integrity level, instead of
improving some system parts blindly, it will be
possible to make an informed decision on more
relevant parameters.
Ozcan Ozturk is an Associate Professor in the
Department of Computer Engineering at Bilkent
University. His research interests are in the areas
of many core architectures, parallel computing, and
computer architecture. Prior to joining Bilkent, he
worked in Cellular and Handheld Group at Intel and
Marvell. He also held positions in NEC Labs and
Arizona State University. His research has been
recognized by Fulbright, Turk Telekom, IBM, Intel,
HiPEAC, Tubitak, and European Commission
Prof Smail Niar
Embedded Systems Design for Critical
While the search for high-performance will continue
to be one of the main driving factors in computing
system design, embedded systems have an increasing
need in optimizing extra-functional properties (EFP)
in terms of energy efficiency, predictability,
reliability and adaptability. These EFP are vital
for safety critical applications, including hard
real-time systems. It was reported that EFP
constraints are becoming the main barriers in the
exploitation of technological advances. If these EFP
are not taken into account in the design of
safety-critical systems, failures may occur which
may result in loss of life and damage.
Transportation systems (automotive, railway or
avionics), medical devices or nuclear systems are
examples of critical systems where designer needs to
explore different tradeoffs in terms of performance,
reliability, complexity and energy consumption.
This special session is dedicated to the different
topics related to the study of efficient support of
critical applications in general and those taking
aware of EFP in particular:
Design Space Exploration tools for EFP in
critical systems.
Simulation tools for critical systems.
Reliability and energy consumption for
mixed-criticality systems.
Operating System support for EFP, mixed-critical
systems and real time applications.
Dynamic resource management for
mixed-criticality systems and dynamic
reconfiguration for highly reliable systems.
Design-space exploration for multi-physical
mixed-criticality systems
Industrial case-studies and best practice
Pr. Smail Niar (University of Valenciennes &
CNRS, France) received his Ph.D. in computer
Engineering fromthe University of Lille in 1990.
Since then, he has been professor at the University
of Valenciennes. He is leader of the ‘‘Mobile &
Embedded Systems’’ research group at the
‘‘Laboratory For Automation, Mechanical and Computer
Engineering’’, a joint research unit between CNRS
and the university of Valenciennes.
Prof Julius Georgiou
Microelectronic Systems for Improved Quality of Life
Microelectronic revolutions come in waves that are
driven by necessity. Currently, the aging population
is creating a need for various kinds of electronic
systems to improve their quality of life. These
include the restoration of lost functionality via
electronic implants, better health screening
technology and non-invasive monitoring in the home
environment. In this talk I will present work that
has been done towards addressing these needs,
whether it be through the development of new
required building blocks or through the development
of more complex systems that combine custom built
hardware and software. In particular the talk covers
work done towards developing a vestibular implant
for balance restoration, a single chip low-power
imager for a bionic eye, a cancer screening capsule
for detecting early-stage carcinomas in the small
intestine and a bio-inspired acoustic scene analysis
Julius Georgiou (IEEE M’98-SM’08)
is an Associate Professor at the University of
Cyprus. He received his M.Eng degree in Electrical
and Electronic Engineering and Ph.D. degree from
Imperial College London in 1998 and 2003
respectively. For two years he worked as Head of
Micropower Design in a technology start-up company,
Toumaz Technology. In 2004 he joined the Johns
Hopkins University as a Postdoctoral Fellow, before
becoming a faculty member at the University of
Cyprus from 2005 to date.
Prof. Georgiou is a member of the IEEE Circuits and
Systems Society, is the Chair of the IEEE Biomedical
and Life Science Circuits and Systems (BioCAS)
Technical Committee, as well as a member of the IEEE
Circuits and Systems Society Analog Signal
Processing Technical Committee. He served as the
General Chair of the 2010 IEEE Biomedical Circuits
and Systems Conference and is the Action Chair of
the EU COST Action ICT-1401 on “Memristors-Devices,
Models, Circuits, Systems and Applications - MemoCIS”.
Prof. Georgiou has been selected as an IEEE Circuits
and Systems Society Distinguished Lecturer for
2016-2017. He is also is an Associate Editor of the
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems
and Associate Editor of the Frontiers in
Neuromorphic Engineering Journal. He is a recipient
of a best paper award at the IEEE ISCAS 2011
International Symposium and at the IEEE BioDevices
2008 Conference. In 2016 he received the
2015 ONE Award from the President of the
Republic of Cyprus for his research accomplishments.
His research interests include Low-power
analog and digital ASICs, implantable biomedical
devices, bioinspired electronic systems, electronics
for space, brain-computer-interfaces (BCIs),
memristive devices, inertial and optical sensors and
related systems.
Virtual platforms: from consumer electronics to
critical embedded systems
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Reda NOUACER is a research engineer at CEA,
LIST, Software Reliability and Security Laboratory
where he work on design space exploration and
virtual platforms. Before he worked at Prosilog SA
and then at Texas Instruments. His research
interests include design space exploration, hardware
simulation, and dependability using virtual
platforms. He earned a HW/SW Engineer degree and the
Magister degree in Computer Engineering. Reda
NOUACER is and has been involved in many
interdisciplinary national, European (H2020) and
internationalresearch projects as well as industrial
research projects.
Prof Paolo Burgio
Embedded platforms for next-generation autonomous
driving systems
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The advent of
commercial-of-the-shelf (COTS) heterogeneous many-core
platforms is opening up a series of opportunities in the
embedded computing market. Integrating multiple
computing elements running at smaller frequencies allows
obtaining impressive performance capabilities at a
reduced power consumption. These platforms can be
successfully adopted to build the next-generation of
self-driving vehicles, where Advanced Driver Assistance
Systems (ADAS) need to process unprecedently higher
computing workloads at low power budgets. Unfortunately,
the current methodologies for providing real-time
guarantees are uneffective when applied to the complex
architectures of modern many-cores. Having impressive
average performances with no guaranteed bounds on the
response times of the critical computing activities is
of little if no use to these applications. Project
HERCULES will provide the required technological
infrastructure to obtain an order-of-magnitude
improvement in the cost and power consumption of next
generation automotive systems. This talk presents the
integrated software framework of the project, which
allows achieving predictable performance on top of
cutting-edge heterogeneous COTS platforms. The proposed
software stack will let both real-time and non real-time
application coexist on next-generation, power-efficient
platform, with preserved timing guarantees.
Paolo Burgio got a M.S. degree in Computer
Engineering from the University of Bologna in 2007,
and a Ph.D in Electronics Engineering jointly
between the University of Bologna and the University
of Southern-Brittany, in 2013. His research topics
are next-generation systems such as heterogeneous
many-cores and GP-GPUs, from a software perspective:
runtimes, compilers, programming models, and
parallel software, but also architectural
exploration and DSA.
Since 2014 he joined HiPeRT at Univ. of Modena to
work on Real-Time systems, where he is currently
performing research on predictable many-core
architectures for next-generation real-time systems.
Paolo published several papers in top-level
conferences and journals. He took part at the
development of the VirtualSoC many-core simulator,
and was involved in FP7 projects PREDATOR, Pro3D,
vIrtical, and (currently) P-SOCRATES and H2020
top-ranked HERCULES.

Important Dates
November 3, 2016
Regular Paper
- November
23, 2016
Acceptance Notification
- December
4, 2016
Final Submission and Registration
- December
IDT 2016