
Best papers are:
Mohamed Mohie El-Din, Hassan Mostafa, Hossam Fahmy and Yehea Ismail. Leakage Power Evaluation of FinFET-Based FPGA Cluster Under Threshold Voltage Variation
Lei Xie, Hoang Anh Du Nguyen, Mottaqiallah Taouil, Said Hamdioui and Koen Bertels. Non-Volatile Look-Up Table Based FPGA Implementations
Hiba Abdelali, Bedira Rachida, Hichem Trabelsi and Ali Gharsallah. Enhanced Performances of Paper-based Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) Antenna for Wireless Sensor Network applications
Keynote speakers' presentations are now available for download
Registration is now open
Notifications for regular papers
TN CAS contest paper submission deadline:
November 25, 2016
A set of
best papers will be
considered for
IEEE Design &
One proposal for
Plenary Talk
has been accepted
Two proposals for
have been accepted
Five proposals for
have been accepted
The IDT 2016 conference will be held
at the
Africana ★★★★★
hotel in the city of Yasmine
International Design and Test Symposium
is an IEEE
technically co-sponsored event devoted to
exploring emerging challenges and new
concepts related to the design, test,
automation, and reliability of electronic
systems ranging from integrated circuits
through multi-chip modules and printed
circuit boards to full systems. IDT is a
unique forum to discuss best practices and
novel ideas in design methods, tools, test,
and reliability held in the Middle East and
Africa (MEA) region. The Symposium is
initiating in affiliation with the IEEE TTTC
(Test Technology Technical Council) and the
2016 edition is organized and sponsored by
CES Laboratory and the University of Sfax.
It is also technically co-sponsored by IEEE
CEDA (Council on Electronic Design
Automation). The official language of the
conference is English. Topics of interest
include but are not limited to:
Design Methods and Tools
Test and Reliability |
IP and SOC Design
Multiprocessor/Multi-core Systems
Embedded Systems
Analog, Mixed Signal and RF Design
High Speed Circuits Design
Design of MEMS and MOEMS
Low Voltage and Low Power system
Innovative Technologies
IoT design
Simulation, Validation &
System Specification and Modeling
Formal Methods and Verification
System Design/Synthesis/Optimization
Yield Optimization
IP and SOC Testing
Multiprocessor/Multi-Core Systems
Memory & FPGA Test & Repair
Automotive reliability & test
High Speed, Analog, Mixed Signal &
RF Testing
Defect and Fault Modeling
On-line Testing / Fault Tolerance
Fault Simulation, ATPG
Reliability Failures/ Modeling
Circuit Reliability
Electronic System Reliability
Regular Submissions:
IDT 2016 invites original, unpublished paper
submissions. Paper submissions should be
complete manuscripts, not exceeding six
pages (inclusive of figures, tables, and
bibliography) in a standard IEEE two-column
format. Authors should clearly explain the
significance of the work, highlight novel
features and describe its current status.
All submissions are to be made
electronically through the IDT 2016 website.
instructions for submissions are to be found
at the IDT 2016 website. A submission will
be considered as evidence that,
upon acceptance, the author(s) will prepare
the final camera-ready version of the paper
in time for inclusion in the proceedings,
and will present the paper at the
conference. All papers will be taken into
consideration for the IDT
2016 Best Paper Award.
In addition, a set of best papers will be
considered for IEEE Design & Test.
Special Session proposals:
IDT 2016 solicits Special Sessions, such as
(a) Hot-Topic session addressing and
discussing the challenges in topics of
interest to the symposium, (b) Embedded
tutorials introducing and discussing topics
of interest to the attendees, (c) Panels
discussing visionary and/or controversial
issues. Special Session proposals consist of
an extended summary (up to 1500 words) as
PDF file, describing the session content and
format, and must be submitted electronically
through the IDT 2016 website.
IDT 2016 will produce a Formal Proceedings
of accepted papers, published under
IEEEXplore. The proceedings will be
available to all participants during the
Regular Paper submission: November 3, 2016
Special sessions and tutorials proposals: October
31, 2016
Notification of acceptance: November 22, 2016
for Paper Inclusion in Workshop Digest: December
4, 2016
Mohamed Abid:
CES Laboratory, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Yervant Zorian: Synopsys (USA)
Important Dates
November 3, 2016
Regular Paper
- November
23, 2016
Acceptance Notification
- December
4, 2016
Final Submission and Registration
- December
IDT 2016
Africana ★★★★★
Yasmine Hammamet